Nikolai Ilyitch: Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, and 15. Mentioned: Chapters 10 and 12. (also "son", "count", "Nicolas", "husband", "brother", "papenka", "papa, "father", "uncle", and "brother-in-law". See chapter 133 for variations on "Ilyitch".)
Princess Mariya: Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16. Mentioned: Chapters 10 and 12. (also "his wife", "Countess Mariya", "Marie", "mamenka", "mamma", mother", "darling", and "Masha". Also "aunt and guardian", their three children, some undifferentiated, their governess, and their tutor.)
Pierre Bezukhoi: Chapters 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. Mentioned: Chapters 9 and 10. (also "brother-in-law", "husband", and "Uncle Pierre".)
Countess Rostova: Chapters 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, and 13. Mentioned: Chapters 5, 8, 10, and 15. ("Countess", "mother", "wife", "maman", "mamenka", and "old countess". Her maids are also mentioned.)
Sonya: Chapters 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14. Mentioned: Chapters 5, 8, and 10.
General Vasili Feodorovitch Denisof: Chapters 9, 11, 13, 14, and 15.
Nikolushka Bolkonsky: Chapters 9, 12, 14, and 16. Mentioned: Chapters 6 and 15. ("nephew" and "Nikolenka". Often called "the lad".)
M. Dessalles: Chapters 9, 14, and 16. Mentioned: Chapter 12. ("tutor")
Mrs. Anna Timofeyevna Byelova: Chapters 9, 12, and 13. ("....Timofeevna" in Maude, Mandelker, and Wiener. "...Timofyevna" in Garnett. "...Timofeyevna" in Dunnigan and Edmonds.)
nyanya: Chapters 11, 14, and 16. (whether or not this is the same one from chapter 118 is unclear. Also "nurse".)
little Andryusha: Chapters 9 and 13. Mentioned: Chapter 15. (also "Little Andrei" in Mandelker. "Little Andrey" in Briggs.)
little Natasha: Chapters 9 and 13. (also "daughter")
Mlle. Bourienne: Chapter 6.
Mikhail Ivanuitch: Chapter 9.
little Petya: Chapter 11. Mentioned: Chapter 16 (also "little son" and "baby")
Mashenka: Chapter 12. (or "Masha". Natasha and Pierre's daughter.)
Borzaya Milka; Chapter 13. ("Milka the swift". "Old greyhound Milka" in Wiener. "the old grey borzoi bitch" in Mandelker and Maude (Dunnigan just drops "grey").)
Anna Makarovna: Chapter 13. (since she knitted the stockings, I think it is likely that Tolstoy had already forgotten the second name for Byelova.)
Characters that are mentioned but do not appear:
Napoleon: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 14. (also "the man" and "the actor.)
Arakcheyef: Chapters 1, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
Prince Andrei: Chapters 5, 10, 12, 14, and 16. (also "father", "papa", and "the lamented prince".)
Alexander I: Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 14. ("sovereign")
Count Ilya Andreyevitch Rostof: Chapters 5, 9, and 12. (Also "old count", "husband", "old man", and "father")
Prince Aleksandr Nikolayevitch Golitsuin: Chapters 1 and 13. (the Dole footnote spells it "Galitzin". "Prince Alexander Golitsin" in Maude. "Prince Alexander Nikolaevitch Golitsin" in Garnett. "Prince Aleksandr Nikolayevich Golitsyn" in Dunnigan. "Prince Alexander Golitsyn" in Edmonds, Mandelker, and Briggs.)
Petya: Chapters 5 and 12. (also "son")
Prince Feodor: Chapters 11 and 14. (see chapter 69 for variations on "Feodor". Bell cuts the name.)
Platon Karatayef: Chapters 12 and 16.
Tatarinof: Chapters 13 and 14. ("Madame Tatarinov" in Garnett. Briggs and Mandelker use "Madame Tatawinova", but the endnotes makes it clear that it is "Tatarinova" and the w is because of Densiof's speech impediment. Dunnigan does have a note that corrects it. "Madame Tatawinov" in Edmonds.)
Mitya: Chapters 15 and 16. (or "Mitenka")
Fothier: Chapter 1. ("Foti" in Wiener. Name appears to be dropped in Bell. "Photius" in Maude, Briggs, and Edmonds. "Foty" in Garnett.)
Schelling: Chapter 1.
Fichte: Chapter 1.
Chateaubriand: Chapter 1.
Shishkof: Chapter 1.
Paul I: Chapter 3.
Prince d'Enghien: Chapter 3.
Mack: Chapter 3.
The King of Prussia: Chapter 3. (and his wife)
Emperor of Austria: Chapter 3.
Napoleon's wife: Chapter 3. ("daughter of the Kaisers")
The pope: Chapter 3.
Mitenka: Chapter 5.
Matvyei Yermishin: Chapter 7. ("Matvyey Ermishin" in Wiener. The name is dropped in Bell. "Matvey Yermishin" in Briggs and Edmonds. "Matvey Ermishin" in Garnett. "Matvei Ermishin" in Mandelker. "Matvei Yermishin" in Dunnigan. "Matthew Ermishin" in Maude.)
Dron: Chapter 8. (the successor of Dron as starosta plays a role in the chapter as a mentioned character.)
Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky: Chapter 9. ("the prince")
Malvina: Chapter 9.
Adele: Chapter 12.
Prince Vasili: Chapter 13.
Countess Marya Alekseyevna: Chapter 13. (as in Dole and Dunnigan. "...Alexeyevna" in Briggs, Garnett, and Edmonds (though she uses "Maria").
Milka: Chapter 13. ("Milka I")
Countess Marya Antonovna: Chapter 13.
Hosner: Chapter 13. ("Gossner" in Wiener, Mandelker, and Maude.)
Madame Kwudener: Chapter 14. (as in Dole and Maude. "...Krudner" in Garnett, Bell (who doesn't use Madame), and Wiener.)
Eckarsthausen: Chapter 14. ("Ecka'tshausen" in Edmonds, Maude, and Mandelker. "Eckartshausen" in Briggs and Garnett.)
Schwartz: Chapter 14.
Magnitsky: Chapter 14.
Pugachof: Chapter 14. ("Pougatchew" in Bell. "Pugachov" in Mandelker, Edmonds, and Briggs.)
Mlle. Luisa: Chapter 15. ("Mlle. Louise" in Wiener, Maude, and Garnett (the latter two use "Mademoiselle". The nurse is also mentioned by Marya, but it is unclear who this is supposed to be.)
Ilya Mitrofanuitch: Chapter 15. ("...Mitrofanych" in Briggs, Dunnigan, and Edmonds.)
Liza: Chapter 16. (or "Lisa")
Prince Sergii: Chapter 16. ("Prince Sergi" in Wiener and Mandelker. "Prince Sergey" in Garnett, Briggs, and Maude.)
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