Sunday, December 16, 2018

Book 3 Part 3 Chapter 28 (Chapter 254 overall)

Chapter Summaries: Dole: The gallant Captaine Ramball. Makar fires the pistol. Pierre saves the officer's life. His gratitude. A Frenchman's magnanimity. The refection.
Briggs: Pierre saves the occupying Captain Ramballe's life. They dine together.
Pevear and Volokhonsky: Pierre saves the French captain's life. The captain befriends him.


Pierre, deciding with himself that he, before the execution of his intentions, did not need to open his title, or his knowledge of the French language, stood in the half-open doorway corridor, looking up immediately again to hide away, as soon as entered the French. But the French entered, and Pierre all not walked away from the door: irresistible curiosity held him.

They were two. One — the officer, a tall, gallant and nice man, the other — obviously a soldier or valet, a squat, lean, sunburnt person with sunken cheeks and a blunt expression of face. The officer, leaning on a stick and limping, was walking ahead. Making a few steps, the officer, as would having decided with himself that this apartment was good, stopped, turned around backwards to the standing in the doorway soldiers and in a loud superior voice shouted for them to introduce the horses. Graduating this business, the officer in a well done gesture, high holding up his elbow and hand, straightened his mustache and touched his hand to his hat.

—Reverence throughout company!798 — he funnily spoke, smiling and looking back around himself.

No one responded.

— You the master?799 — the officer turned to Gerasim.

Gerasim scared, interrogatively watched the officer.

—Apartments, apartments, — said the officer, from above downwards, with a condescending and good-natured smile, looking at the small man. — The French are kind guys. Damn take it, it will not be to argue, grandfather,800 — he added, ruffling by the shoulder the scared and silent Gerasim.

— What, but is it really here no one speaks French?801 — he added, looking back around and meeting his eyes with Pierre. Pierre pulled back from the door.

The officer again turned to Gerasim. He demanded so that Gerasim showed him a room in the house.

— Baron no — I do not understand... me, you... — spoke Gerasim, trying to make his words clearer by that how he spoke them inverted.

The French officer, smiling, spreading his hands before the nose of Gerasim, gave the feeling that he did not understand him, and limping, went to the door at which stood Pierre. Pierre wanted to move away, so that to hide away from him, but at this very time he saw from the opened door of the kitchen the leaning out Makar Alekseich with the pistol in his hands. With cunning insanity, Makar Alekseich looked around the Frenchman and, lifting the pistol, aimed.

— To boarding!!!.. — shouted the drunk, pushing to descent the pistol. The French officer turned around at the shout, and in that same instant Pierre rushed at the drunk. In that time as Pierre grabbed and raised the pistol, Makar Alekseich hit finally with a finger at the descent, and rang out the deafening and doused all the powder of the smoke shot. The Frenchman became pale and rushed backwards to the door.

Forgetting his intention not to open his knowledge of the French language, Pierre, ripping out the pistol and throwing it, ran up to the officer and in French began talking with him.

— Are you not wounded?— he said.

— It seems no,802 — was the response of the officer, palpating himself; — but at this time it was close,803 — he added, pointing at the stray plaster on the wall. — Who are these people?804 — strictly looking at Pierre, said the officer.

—  Ah, I am right in despair from what happened,805 — fastly spoke Pierre, completely forgetting his role. — This is unhappy and crazy, which I do not know what was done.806

The officer came up to Makar Alekseich and grabbed him behind the gate.

Makar Alekseich, loosening his lips, as would be falling asleep, swinging, leaned to the wall.

— Robber, I will pay you for this.— said the Frenchman, taking him away by the arm.

— Our brothers are merciful after victory, but we do not forgive traitors,807 — he added with gloomy solemnity on his face and with a beautiful energetic gesture.

Pierre continued in French to persuade the officer not to charge with this drunk, insane man. The Frenchman silently listened, not changing his gloomy kind and suddenly with a smile turned to Pierre. He a few seconds silently looked at him. His beautiful face accepted a tragically-tender expression, and he held out his hand.

— You saved my life. You are French,808 — he said. For the Frenchman this conclusion was undeniable. To commit a great business could only be French, but the salvation of his life, monsieur Rambal, captain of the 13th light regiment809 — was without a doubt very great business.

But as undeniable was this conclusion and established in his conviction of the officer, Pierre considered it fit to disappoint him.

— I am Russian,810 — fastly said Pierre.

— Tell this to others,811 — said French, waving with a finger himself before his nose and smiling. —now I will tell this to everyone, — he said. — Very nice to meet a compatriot. Well! What the same do we do with this man?812 — he added, turning to Pierre now as to his brother. If Pierre was not even French, receiving in this time a higher in the world name, could not he again deny him from it, said the expression of the face and tone of the French officer. To the last question Pierre another time explained who Makar Alekseevich was, explaining that before their very arrival this drunk, crazy person dragged away a loaded pistol, which not having time to take it from him, and requested to leave his act without punishment.

The Frenchman put up his chest and made a royal gesture with his hand.

— You saved my life. You are French. You want it so that I forgive him? I forgive him. Take away this person,813 — fast and energetically spoke the French officer, taking under his arm the produced for his salvation of his life the French Pierre, and went with him in the room.

The soldiers, formerly in the courtyard, upon hearing the shot, entered in the canopy, asking what happened and expressed readiness to punish the guilty; but the officer strictly stopped them:

— When you will be needed, you will be called,814 — he said. The soldiers went out. The valet, having time between that to visit the kitchen, came up to the officer.

— Captain, in their kitchen there is soup and fried mutton.— he said. — Order to bring?

— Yes, and wine,815 — said the captain.

798 Bonjour, la compagnie! (Hello, company!)
799 Vous êtes le bourgeois? (Are you the bourgeois?)
800 Quartire, quartire, logement, Les Français sont de bons enfants. Que diable! Voyons! Ne nous fâchons pas, mon vieux, (Quarter, quarter, lodging, The French are good children. What the devil! Let's see! Let's not get angry, old man,)
801 A ça! Dites donc, on ne parle donc pas français dans cette boutique? (To that! Say, do we not speak French in this shop?)
802 Vous n'êtes pas blessé? 
— Je crois que non, (You are not hurt?
- I do not think so,)
803 mais je l'аі manqué belle cette fois-ci, (but I missed it beautiful this time,)
804  Quel est cet homme? (Who is this man?)
805 Ah, je suis vraiment au désespoir de ce qui vient d'arriver, (Ah, I'm really in despair for what just happened,)
806 C'est un fou, un malheureux qui ne savait pas ce qu'il faisait. (He's a fool, an unfortunate who didn't know what he was doing.)
807 Brigand, tu me la payeras, Nous autres nous sommes сlements après la victoire: mais nous ne pardonnons pas aux traîres, (Brigand, you will pay me, We have сlemency after victory: but we do not forgive the traitors,)
808 Vous m'avez sauvé la vie! Vous êtes Français, (You saved my life! You are French,)
809 m-r Ramball'I, capitaine du 13-me léger (Mr. Ramball, captain of the 13th light)
810 Je suis Russe, (I am Russian) 
811 th-th-th, à d'autres, (th-th-th, to others,)
812 Tout à l’heure vous allez me conter tout ça, Charmé de rencontrer un compatriote. Eh bien! qu’allons nous faire de cet homme? (In a little while you are going to tell me all about this, Charmed to meet a compatriot. Well! what are we going to do with this man?)
813 Vous m'avez sauvé la vie. Vous êtes français. Vous me demandez sa grâce? Je vous l'accorde. Qu'on emmène cet homme, (You saved my life. You are French. You ask me for his pardon? I grant it to you. Take this man away)
814 On vous demandera quand on aura besoin de vous, (You will be asked when we need you,)
815 Capitaine, ils ont de la soupe et du gigot de mouton dans la cuisine, Faut-il vous l'apporter?
Oui, et le vin, (Captain, they have soup and leg of mutton in the kitchen,
Should we bring it to you?
Yes, and the wine,)

Time: see previous chapter

Locations: see previous chapter
Mentioned: French (Francais in the French), Russian (Russe in the French)

Pevear and Volokhonsky Notes: A French officer and soldier enter, and with Pierre pretending to not speak French, there is a communication gap that gets played out. However, Makar grabs the pistol again and Pierre, while subduing him, speaks French. The officer considers Pierre a Frenchman for saving his life. Pierre tries to assert his Russian-hood, but "Even if Pierre was not a Frenchman, having received this highest title in the world, he could not renounce it, said the tone of the French officer".

Characters (characters who do not appear, but are mentioned are placed in italics. First appearances are in Bold. First mentions are underlined. Final appearance denoted by *):


Monsieur Ramball (also "the officer" and "capitaine du 13me ledger". "M. Ramballe" in Bell, Dunnigan (who uses Monsieur), and Maude. also the French soldiers with him.)

Gerasim (also "old man".)

Makar Alekseyitch (also "the drunken man" and "Brigand".)

Abridged Versions: No break in Bell.

Gibian: line break instead of chapter break at the end.

Fuller: Entire chapter is cut.

Komroff: The opening paragraph about Pierre's plan to conceal his French is removed. Chapter otherwise basically preserved and followed by a line break.

Kropotkin: Chapter 12: Chapter is mostly preserved with no break.

Simmons: entire chapter is cut and replaced with: "A French officer, Captain Ramballe, seeks to quarter himself in Bazdeev's house. Pierre saves the officer's life when a mad drunken brother of Bazdeev tries to shoot him. Ramballe, filled with sentimental generosity, thrusts his friendship on Pierre. Under the influence of good food, liquor, and pleasant companionship, Pierre's determination to conceal his identity weakens, also his resolve to kill Napoleon. Ramballe tells his life story oand of his many conquests of women."

Additional Notes:

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